APMAS in partnership with DGRV assisted WHH (Welt Hunger Hilfe) in “Developing MIS for SHGs and SHG federations” in Myanmar for a short time assignment. APMAS successfully completed the assignment and submitted final formats and user manuals to WHH project and to DGRV. In this process, APMAS has developed Management Information System (MIS) formats at SHG Level and as well at SHG Federation level. List of the documents developed at SHG level: a) Developed SHG MIS report, b) Developed reports generated from SHG MIS including Financial Statements, c) Revised SHG grading sheet, d) User manual for SHG MIS and e) User manual for SHG grading. And at Federation level a) Developed SHG federation MIS report, b) Developed reporting formats for SHG Federation and c) Developed user manual for SHGF MIS In addition to above, APMAS had visited WHH field work area in Yangon and done field testing of formats and tool and revised. APMAS have also conducted staff training on MIS formats and reports.